Why Is Industrial Gas Flaring Controversial, and What Can You Do Instead?

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Industrial gas flaring is a controversial practice that has been around for many years. Oil and gas companies use it to burn off unwanted gases, such as methane and carbon dioxide, created during the refining process. While this act may seem harmless on the surface, it is actually having a devastating impact on the environment. But is it possible to take an alternative approach to avoid this type of controversy?

Why Is Industrial Gas Flaring Controversial?

Industrial gas flaring is controversial because it releases large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. These gases undoubtedly contribute to global warming and climate change, which in turn affects the planet's ecosystems and living species. Additionally, it can lead to air pollution in neighbouring communities, which can cause health problems for those living nearby. Also, many people think that this type of gas flaring releases large amounts of particulate matter into the air. If so, this can reduce visibility and create unsafe working conditions for employees and those nearby.

How Does the Process Work?

In a typical situation, a flare is erected in the form of a stack or boom to collect the unwanted gases. At the tip of the flare is an air/assist mechanism that boosts combustion efficiency by combining free air with the generated gas.

The nature of the gas will depend on the generating source and individual chemical compositions. Often, companies insist that they need to flee this gas to relieve pressure or to get rid of waste product.

What Can You Do Instead?

The good news is that there are alternatives to industrial gas flaring that are more sustainable for the environment. One option is to recover the gas and use it as a fuel source or sell it to customers who need it for their own purposes. In fact, it may be possible to use some of the gas recovered in this way to generate electricity. The flare gas could be converted using micro or large turbines or even reciprocating internal combustion engines.

What to Do Now

So, if you want to avoid the controversy and find a more practical solution for your gas flaring issue, look at alternatives. While some people will invest in clean technology like carbon capture systems, others will ensure that they recover the unwanted gas instead so that it can be used for more practical purposes. Get in touch with professionals who provide flare gas recovery solutions for more information.

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